Security settings

Windows & MAC computers include a built-in firewall and most of them also have an additional antivirus installed.

1st check: authorise Advanced Charts Launcher in your antivirus

  • Open the settings window of your antivirus software
  • Go to the feature(1) that allows you manage the list of authorised programs.

    (1) This feature can have different names depending on your antivirus program (ex: "Application control", "Application firewall", "Firewall", ...).If you can't find this feature in your antivirus program, contact their customer support department in order to find the appropriate settings.
  • Add the Advanced Charts Launcher installation folder to the list of authorised programs.
    By default, it is installed at:


    Example with Avast 2015 for Windows

    • Click on the Avast icon in the system tray to open Avast
    • Click on "Settings" > "Active Protection" > Choose "Customize" on the "File System Shield" line > "Exclusions"
    • Click "Add" and then select the Advanced Charts Launcher installation folder.
      By default, it is located under:


    • Click "OK" and make sure the "R", "W" and "X" boxes are checked.
    • Click on "OK" and close the Avast windows

    Avast will no longer block or slow down the execution of Advanced Charts Launcher.

You should now be able to launch Advanced Charts.
If you still can't launch Advanced Charts, proceed to the next step.

2nd check: authorise Advanced Charts in your operating system's settings

You should now be able to launch Advanced Charts.
If you still can't launch Advanced Charts, proceed to the next step.

3rd check: allow the Advanced Charts Internet adresses

  • Open the settings window of your antivirus software
  • Go to the feature(2) that allows you manage the list of authorised Internet adresses.

    (2)This feature is called different depending on your antivirus (ex: "Web Anti-Virus", "Trusted sites", "Exclude adress", "Exclude URL", ...).If you can't find this feature in your antivirus program, contact their customer support department in order to find the appropriate settings.
  • Add the following adresses to the list of authorised Internet adresses:



    Notice that you need to enter the adresses once with the "http" prefix and once with the "https" prefix.

    In some security softwares, you are required to specify a communication port instead of a prefix. If it is the case, allow the URLs on ports 80 & 443 (ex: *, *, *, *

    Example with Avast 2015 for Windows

    • Click on the Avast icon in the system tray to open Avast
    • Click on "Settings" > "Active Protection" > Choose "Customize" on the "Web shield" line > "Exclusions"
    • Under "URLs to exclude" enter:


      and then click "Add"

    • Do the same for the following URLs:


    • Click on "OK" and close the Avast windows

    Avast will no longer prevent your Advanced Charts platform from accessing Internet.

You should now be able to launch Advanced Charts.
If you still can't launch Advanced Charts, proceed to the next step.

Web browser

Try to launch Advanced Charts from a different web browser than the one you are currently using.

If you only have one web browser installed on your computer, you can install another one for free.

Advanced Charts recommends one of the following web browsers:

Firefox chrome

You will be redirected to the installation page of the web browser (external website).

Still can't launch Advanced Charts? We are here to help you!

  • If you get an error message with the option to "Send a report", please do so.
    Use the comment box to describe your problem and what you did to try to solve it, and then click on "Send report".
    We'll get back to you once we've analysed the issue.
  • If you don't have the option to send a report, contact us by email or phone.